
02922 638222
Your Navmoor team has extensive experience in working with Ports & Harbours to increase and maintain their IALA Availability. We can even help maintain your Aids to Navigation (AtoN) records, ensuring audits are completed correctly and on time, as well as assisting with NTMs.
If you have an outage, we’ll respond FAST, be it overnight delivery or onsite repairs, because we know that the safety of mariners and availability of your AtoNs is what keeps Ports & Harbours safe and makes your port a more desirable destination than others.
With the oldest structures, lenses, and largest networks of AtoNs, comes great responsibility! Navmoor is proud to offer class leading products and solutions to our GLAs.
We’re often asked for assistance in upgrading lighthouses, and more recently we’ve spread our wings, providing GLAs assistance globally, in the form of rotating beacons and integrated monitoring services.
Aids to Navigation for shorter range visibility requirements such as Inland Waterways and niche Road and Railway bridges with navigable waters require several environmental and commercial considerations, we’d love to hear about your application and help find a solution to your problem… please get in to discuss your requirements.
Operating in accordance with IALA Marking of Man-Made Offshore Structures O-139we can supply, install and maintain temporary lanterns and buoys during the construction phase of Offshore wind farms and Tidal Energy systems, later progressing into permanent solutions, including buoys, moorings, mast number lighting, fog signals, AIS, and telemetry systems.
We can supply your Solarised Decommissioning Skid fast, complying with both IALA & local GLA requirements. We use the best and most reliable equipment available to ensure peace of mind.
With monitoring and control systems in place, we can quickly add your assets to your system via FTPs or APIs, or our own web-based monitoring portal, with no lengthy integration processes meaning your AtoNs are visible immediately.
A large choice of customisable monitoring parameters such as Battery Voltage, Lantern On/Off, current draw, character verification & solar charge, we can build a visual picture of your assets by locations and status, we can also add alarms to the system which are then utilised as triggers for a sequence of events by both our internal AtoN response team and/or your local engineers.
From ‘off the shelf’ turbidity monitoring buoys for dredging projects to bespoke offshore data buoys and met mast equipment.
We can design and integrate equipment in accordance to your data requirements, utilising the various methods of transmission to collate and present the data on our dedicated web-based system.
We can utilise real-time or customisable periodic reporting via GSM, AIS, UHF, VHF, and Satcom, or even store the data onboard for retrieval at a later date. Whatever your DATA project, we’d love to help.
Navmoor introduced its online monitoring portal to the world in early 2019, since then it has grown to become the market leading platform, and the only platform which enables you to monitor ANY parameter of ANY deployed asset, regardless of manufacture or age.
We can add monitoring to almost any device, not only aids to navigation. It might be that you have several lights, vibration sensors, meteorological sensors or of course buoys that you would like to monitor, or it might be that you want different data from different assets. i.e. the position, wave height and battery voltage might be important from a navigation buoy, but knowing whether your Port Entry Light is on and at what intensity/range might be what you want to know from another station.
The applications are endless, and as Navmoor is primarily an Aids to Navigation we haven’t even thought outside of our little bubble…. So, what do you want to monitor? No matter what you add to our open-source system, your assets and their data will all appear in our web-based online portal, accessible over any internet browser or mobile device, and the best part of Navmoor’s portal is that you can use whichever medium best suits the location, coverage, and data usage:
We can even provide the data directly to Pilots via PPUs, or to VTS over AIS or a direct API (Application Programming Interface). And if the above hasn’t already blown your mind, what if we told you that we can add control options to your portal too…. I know right….. Mind Blown!!!!!!
With the latest technology offering significantly lower power consumption, we are now able to offer monitoring and control of even the smallest lanterns, meaning you are informed of their condition and functionality, including its flash character and battery without having to mount the AtoN structure or buoy to check. This method of monitoring is saving Ports & Harbour thousands of pounds in unjustified vessel visits and repeat attendance for repairs. Not only do you know if the battery is running low via an alarming system to your phones via text or email address you can also monitor the locations of the lights & buoys using smart geofencing to trigger alarms should your buoys break their moorings.